(정보제공 : 주홍콩총영사관)
홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2025-5)
(관보게재일 : 2025.1.28)
1. 교실 30개 초등학교 건설 공사 계약(입찰시한 연장)
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Architectural Services Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : SS P506 - No. 369EP
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Construction of a 30-classroom Primary School at Site E-2, Development of Anderson Road Quarry Site, Sai Kung
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.14(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=5&extra=0&type=0&number=634
2. 정신 건강 지원 핫라인 관련 서비스 제공
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Department of Health
ㅇ 입찰번호 : DH/HPB/T/2/2024
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Procurement of Services for the Mental Health Support Hotline
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.14(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=5&extra=0&type=0&number=636
3. 하수처리장 이전 공사 계약
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Drainage Services Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : DE/2024/11/12/13
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns--Provision of Biological Treatment System/Provision of Primary Sedimentation System/Provision of Sludge Dewatering System
* 계약기간 : 2025.6월부터 51개월
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.21(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=5&extra=0&type=0&number=637/8/9
4. 스마트 관세 모듈 관련 서비스 제공(입찰시한 연장)
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : A1500302024
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Design, supply, implementation, system support and maintenance, and provision of other related services for modules comprised in the Smart Customs Information Technology Infrastructure of the Customs and Excise Department--Extension of Tender Period
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.7(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=5&extra=0&type=0&number=640
5. 석판공정잉크 공급
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : A0600892024
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of lithographic process ink to the Government Logistics Department
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.12(수), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=5&extra=0&type=0&number=641
6. 수처리 작업장 확장 공사 계약(입찰시한 연장)
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Water Supplies Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : 3/WSD/24
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Ngau Tam Mei Water Treatment Works Extension--Extension of Ngau Tam Mei Fresh Water Primary Service Reservoir, Modification of Raw Water Tunnel Junction (Chamber G) and Associated Mainlaying--Extension of Tender Period
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.28(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=5&extra=0&type=0&number=642